It’s that magical time of year again, where the streets are lit up and the days are getting colder. It’s the time of year where people follow their favourite holiday traditions of putting up their favourite Christmassy decorations or choosing those perfect gifts for their loved ones.
Whilst a worldwide tradition is the importance of the food – which is eaten around Christmas and on the day itself, these traditions vary across the different cultures and countries in the world. Although we in the UK stick to our turkey, mince pies and Christmas puddings, others around the world do things a bit differently.
We put together a list of festive food and beverages from around the world for, scroll down to see this tasty Christmas menu.
Pavlova: This sweet meringue cake is loved throughout Australia. It’s light inside and toppings of fruit and whipped cream is the perfect Summer dessert for the land down under after a tiresome, hot day of opening presents and celebrating.
Yule Log: Associated with Christmas not only in France, but across the entire globe, this moreish dessert is perfect for chocolate lovers. Its lightly sprinkled topping of icing sugar gives it that proper Christmas feel, the perfect dish to finish off the festive meal..
Stollen Cake: Having its very own appreciation festival dedicated to it just shows how delicious it is and how loved it is by Germany, especially around the Christmas period. Made of cinnamon, marzipan and currants, it’s the perfect mix of festive spices.
Meat: One of the best parts of the Christmas dinner is the turkey, unless you’re American that is. Instead turkeys are saved for the Thanksgiving holiday and they opt for other meats such as beef or ham.
Fish: For Italians, it is both the 24th and the 25th December which is celebrated. The 24th carries out Catholic traditions of eating fish rather than any meat – this is instead eaten on the 25th. Fish dishes such as calamari and baccala are just a couple which are served on Christmas Eve.
Rum Cake: Cuba is also known for celebrating on Christmas Eve as well as Christmas Day. They also use this holiday and other special events to present rum cake at the end of their festive main course. The rum ingredient gives this already rich and moist cake further interesting and complex flavours.
Turkey: Oven-cooked till crisp on the outside and tender to cut. The turkey is the centrepiece to all Christmas dinners within the United Kingdom. For extra deliciousness, many now add toppings such as bacon strips or different herbs.
Rosca de Reyes: A cake fit for a King – purposely this cake or sweet bread as some prefer to call it, has been shaped to portray the crown Jesus wore. Make sure to be careful when eating this doughy delight though, as a plastic Jesus figure is baked into it, to symbolise how the birth of Jesus was kept a secret.
So this Christmas, why don’t you try something new and serve out not only your favourite Christmas dishes but also add another cultures tradition to your Christmas meal, or – even as a festive snack, whilst you’re cosying up next to the fire.
Tip: Some of the best and most exciting ways to try out these cuisines is by visiting a Christmas Market, which takes you on a journey to experience different cultures of the world by offering diverse food, ornaments and entertainment.
Speak to one of our talents party creators today for advice on how to add a little yuletide tradition to your Christmas party.